Monday, June 25, 2012

Oakridge Fish Hatchery

For one of our friday trips, we decided to travel to Oakridge Oregon and see the hatchery. They raise two diffrent types of fish here one Salmon and the other Trout. They are one of Oregon's biggest hatchery. Once fish meet a certain size they end up either mating them or will release to other hatcherys in Oregon, to help with breeding. This hatchery has not just fish but birds and even a museum to show how this hatchery has become and how much wildlife we have here in Oregon.

Here we have salmon, they keep up to over a hundred salmon in this natural made spring. In septemeber these fish will be the ones that get breeded and will be able to provide more scientific reasearch for scientist. This is one of the bigest days in the hatchery.


Here is the Museum. They had diffrent pictures of fish and animal's that are native to Oregon's forest. They had a display of all wild life animals that you can come across in our forest. They aslo showed pictures and equipment that the hatchery first used. It was a very detailed and great tour.

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